Rental service Feelware Audio DualDemokit

Rental service Feelware Audio DualDemokit

Ideal for showing at events and presentations

Dispatch to your desired location

Rental period: Rental contract can be negotiated individually

Regular price 16,13 € Incl. tax
Regular price Incl. tax Sale price 16,13 € Incl. tax
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Test our voice output

Do you advise blind and visually impaired people and help them to lead an independent life? Do you have customers or clients who are wondering how talking household appliances work in practice? Then our DualDemokit could help. Testing Feelware's audio speech output for home appliances is an essential step for visually impaired people to form an informed opinion about the benefits of accessible home appliances. The Dual Demokit allows testing of the Feelware audio speech output for cooking appliances and washing machines in a lightweight and mobile setup.

Rental period

The rental period can be individually defined in the rental contract. Depending on whether you are planning an event or would like to exhibit the unit for a longer period of time for demonstration purposes.

Functions and features

The demo kit consists of an aluminium housing that represents the control panel of a washing machine on one side and the control panel of an electric cooker on the other. Both control panels are equipped with Feelware audio knobs as standard and allow the voice output to be tested as if it were installed in a real appliance. Printed screens complete the visual presentation for sighted people as well.

Washing machine side:

Announcement of 15 washing programmes with contextual information for each programme and detailed operating instructions. The contextual information of the selected programme is announced when the knob is tapped.

The Feelware audio button is removable to demonstrate the simplicity of the assembly process. The panel is equipped with a tactile template to enable positioning and operation of the touch display of washing machines and dryers.

Cooker side:

6 talking cooker knobs demonstrate the convenience of a talking built-in oven. The demo kit offers announcements for 4 cooking zones, an oven function knob with 8 settings and a temperature selection knob. Tapping one of the buttons triggers the announcement of the current setting.

Scope of delivery

Metal housing with appliance decoration washing machine and electric cooker, 6 Feelware Audio cooker knobs, 1 Feelware Audio washing machine knob, 1 tactile template for the washing machine display, 1 Feelware AudioBox, 1 power supply unit for the AudioBox.

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