Feelware Audio Retrofit for cookers

Feelware Audio Retrofit for cookers

Accessible operation through audible programme announcements

Can be retrofitted to many cookers

Cutomised good
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This award-winning tool teaches your cooker to talk to you

The audience at the international assistive technology trade fair SightCity voted the Feelware Audio retrofit the public's favourite at SightCity 2024. The retrofittable voice output for household appliances can also help you to cook and bake independently.

Would you like to cook again, but can't quite get to grips with using the hob or oven? Do you no longer dare to bake your favourite cake because you're worried about choosing the wrong setting? You are not alone in this. Many people with low vision have problems using the hob and oven because they can't read the symbols and markings on the control knobs.

With Feelware Audio voice output, we adapt cookers and ovens to the needs of blind and visually impaired people. If an oven has been retrofitted with voice output, it will announce the settings of the rotary knobs. This means you are always well informed when cooking and baking and can operate and switch off the appliance safely.

The voice output consists of intelligent rotary knobs that we manufacture especially for your appliance. The control knobs are fitted to your cooker in place of the original knobs. This is very simple, as the knobs are simply plugged into the cooker. No tools are required and the conversion is completed in just a few minutes. As soon as the Feelware rotary knobs are attached to the cooker, they register the setting and send it to the control panel.

Is it even worth upgrading an older device?

Yes, it is usually worth using the Feelware voice output on an older cooker for the following reasons:

1. The ability to prepare your own hot food is invaluable for many people. The voice output gives you the security of always knowing how your cooker is set.

2. On average, cookers and ovens are only replaced after a service life of over 22 years. The appliances are very durable and it is not uncommon for an appliance to still be working reliably after 25 years or more. A cooker that is 10 or 15 years old can therefore still be safely equipped with the voice output so that it can be used for many years to come.

3. Purchasing the Feelware audio retrofit is an investment that pays off in the long term. If the current cooker is defective, it can also be fitted to the next cooker. We will adapt the voice output to the next appliance and help you to operate your new appliance. This means you don't have to buy a new voice output and can continue to cook and bake safely and independently in the future with your investment.

How can I tell if my hob or oven can be converted?

The Feelware audio retrofit is very flexible and fits many cookers and ovens. An appliance must fulfil the following requirements in order to be equipped with voice output:

1. The appliance must have rotary knobs. It does not matter whether the rotary knobs are fixed or retractable.

2. The rotary knobs must be removable from the control panel.

3. The rotary knobs are attached to the front of the appliance. Unfortunately, appliances that have their control knobs on top, e.g. on the hob, cannot learn to speak.

4. The settings of the rotary knobs are printed on the knobs themselves or on the control panel.

Example pictures and an overview of appliances that can be equipped with the Feelware audio retrofit can be found here: Link

What is the procedure when I order the Feelware audio retrofit?

If the above requirements are met, we need some photos of the appliance for the conversion:

Picture 1: A photo of the hob or oven from the front

Picture 2: If it is a hob, we need a picture of the hob

Picture 3: A picture of the temperature setting knob. The temperature scale should be visible in the picture

Picture 4: Image of the knob on a hob. The labelling should be visible in the picture

Picture 5: A picture of the back of a knob when it is removed from the hob (on most hobs, the knobs can simply be removed by pulling them away from the control panel)

Picture 6: A picture for the shaft or mounting mechanism of the rotary knob on the control panel when the rotary knob is removed.
Picture 7: A picture of the oven's rating plate. This is attached to the oven door on most appliances
It is best to send us the pictures by e-mail to: hallo@feelware.eu

We will get back to you immediately and let you know whether the Feelware Audio retrofit can also be adapted to your appliance. If your device can be retrofitted, you can order the voice output for your device immediately. Many people in Germany can also apply for the Feelware Audio retrofit as a benefit from a cost bearer, e.g. health insurance or care insurance. We will be happy to advise you on this in a personal consultation.

As soon as we have an order for the production of your voice output, you will receive a dispatch note from us to send us up to three knobs from your cooker. In our workshop, we measure the knobs precisely and manufacture the conversion for your cooker according to these specifications. It may take us a few weeks to customise the voice output for you. However, you will receive your cooker knobs back after just a few days.

When the voice output arrives, the knobs are simply plugged into your appliance in place of the original knobs. This can easily be done by a sighted person within 5 minutes. The AudioBox is then connected to a socket in the same room and your cooker is ready to talk.

The installation of the voice output can be carried out by a sighted person. No special skills are required. If you do not have anyone in your neighbourhood who can help you with the installation, we can find tradesmen in your area to install the voice output for you. On request, we can provide instruction in its use and operation. Services are subject to a surcharge.

Important information

The Feelware audio retrofit is a customised product that is manufactured according to your specifications. The delivery time for a customised product can be up to 10 weeks. Custom-made products are excluded from the right of cancellation.

Customer reviews

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"It's such a good feeling to be able to cook without help again! Even for me as a blind person, it's quite easy to find my way around the cooker and get familiar with the voice output."

Michael P., built-in cooker Siemens EQ211KA00 Audio

"In the beginning I was unsure whether I would get along with the voice output. These doubts were unfounded! And if I ever forget which hob is on, it's announced to me when I tap against the knobs. The voice output from Feelware is really a great aid device!"

Gabi, built-in cooker H 4S

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